Happiness Essay Examples & Samples in PDF

Essay on happiness only seems easy at first glance. Actually, this question is philosophical and a happiness essay in English can have a lot of reflections. Thus, the time allotted for writing is significantly increased. However, do not panic! We have prepared free samples on this topic. You can use them to choose the best template for your writing.

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15 Sep 2023

The Science of Happiness: What Makes Us Happy and How to Increase Happiness

Happiness varies from person to person. Some people are happy doing their jobs, some people are happy taking care of others, and some people are happy when they receive extravagant items. Then there is people like...

Words: 292

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Views: 115

15 Sep 2023

The Science of Happiness

The meaning of the term happiness has been the subject of discussion for decades. Great philosophers such as Plato sought to discover its meaning, and despite academic and scientific advancements, humans are still...

Words: 537

Pages: 2

Views: 66

15 Sep 2023

Achieving Happiness: Simple Steps to a Happier Life

The Harvard Study of Adults Development is an extraordinary effort that has lasted for 75 years and persists. The study, one of the longest on human happiness, has lived through drop out of participants, funding...

Words: 245

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Views: 154

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14 Sep 2023

The Concept of Happiness through Aristotle’s Theory

Introduction Happiness is a phenomenon that cannot be described easily. This can be attributed to the fact that different people have varying views on being happy. Therefore, happiness should be seen as...

Words: 826

Pages: 3

Views: 85

14 Sep 2023

The Relationship between Access to Nature and Happiness

The Relationship between Access to Nature and Happiness Taylor et al (2015) hypothesized that in areas with more trees, people who live there would have lower levels of depression. This study is one in a growing...

Words: 342

Pages: 1

Views: 429

14 Sep 2023

Fact-Checking Happiness Claims

Human beings throughout different eras and centuries venture towards achieving happiness. Regardless of where one is in society, they work hard to make it better for themselves and those around them. Some find...

Words: 1078

Pages: 4

Views: 386

14 Sep 2023

Happiness and Love in the Works of Famous Philosophers

The philosophers, Aristotle and Sigmund Freud, present different views on happiness. Aristotle argues out that happiness refers to the act or actions of the soul. Consequently, Freud, in his book; Civilization and...

Words: 1566

Pages: 5

Views: 115

14 Sep 2023

The Relationship Between Happiness and Health

The main objective of human existence is happiness. This perception has been supported by many researchers, including Aristotle, the Greek philosopher who observed that all human behavior seeks to attain happiness....

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14 Sep 2023

Discussion: Money and Happiness

In my opinion, money can buy happiness to some extent. If a person attaches happiness to material possession, money can facilitate the achievement of that kind of happiness. Money is at the center stage of today’s...

Words: 508

Pages: 2

Views: 207

14 Sep 2023

The Just Person Will Be Happy and the Unjust Unhappy

The Just Person Will Be Happy and the Unjust Unhappy Introduction The element of justice entails the human virtue and bond that helps in enhancing unity in the society. According the Plato, the human virtue had...

Words: 1344

Pages: 5

Views: 166


Assignment types
Academic level

English Short Essay on Happiness

A short essay about happiness in life should be very specific. That is, an author should write about one small episode, such as reading a book in the woods, for example. However, it is worth describing every detail so that a reader can easily feel this overwhelming joy. Do not forget to pay attention to all senses, namely to write about tactile and odors. This excites the brain as much as possible! Your teacher will be able to feel with each cell what you are talking about in your article.

We encourage you to review our examples to understand what we are talking about. You will feel the magnificent joyful moments of each student who donated these works to us. They will inspire you to create something no less exciting!

Happiness Essay Examples

There is more than one happiness example of everyday life on our website. And the great news is that we have an example of happiness essay for almost every such case. This essay type’s main feature is the student's ability to draw a picture in words. To do this, you need to imagine this happy moment in your head as best you can. If you write about a cup of coffee in the morning, do not forget to describe its aroma. Tell how you feel it and what it awakens in you. Although the question of joy is quite philosophical, its answer must be concrete. We advise you to browse philosophy essay examples to get some ideas for your writing.

Our archive of examples can lead you to write something really personal. They are universal. So, they are suitable for users with any request. The beauty of such a phenomenon as joy lies in its simplicity. We even have essays on happiness for high school students! 

Happiness Definition Essay Examples

Wonder how to write a definition essay? Definition essays on happiness are not that rare. This type is not surprising. Any topic can be revealed in various essay types, and this topic is no exception. The main task of such a work is to provide a definition and its scope. Thus, a definitive of this task is more of academic work with a touch of psychology or philosophy. 

Happiness definition essay outline generally does not differ schematically from other essay types. It is important to form a clear thesis and draw a strong conclusion that will prove it. A quality conclusion will be guaranteed in an article with a meaningful main part.

Happiness Argumentative Essay

Argumentative essay about happiness is one of our favorite types. Their highlight is that an author has the right for holding certain debates with readers. Use our argumentative essay writing examples for some kind of inspiration. They include an opportunity to look at issues from another angle. It helps consider different scenarios for thought development. This rule works with almost all argumentative essay topics on happiness. For example, we should write an argumentative article on the topic: “The happiest memory from school years.” Everyone has a different school experience. It is not positive or negative, it just is. Task of such an article is not to evaluate someone's experience by comparing it with their own. It is about giving a reader a more detailed perspective.

The thesis of such an article will be: 

Everyone has something to remember with a smile from school days.

In the main part, we can bring something from our own experience – winning a competition, an internship abroad, having fun with friends or delicious food in the canteen. Also, support this with another person's argument. In conclusion, we should find confirmation of this thesis. 

For example:

No matter what the experience of school life is, everyone can remember at least one bright moment. 

What Is the Happiness Essay

The definition of happiness essay is much more multifaceted. We must proceed from what the actual purpose of such work is. If there is a more philosophical question, then an answer must be broad and deep. This applies to cases where an author gives an opportunity to discuss with a reader. Thus, a writer should lay the groundwork for readers' own thoughts, to provoke them to carry out their own research on this topic.

On the other hand, an article on this topic can be exactly what it is. Namely an essay on the personal joy of an author. What makes them smile every day or wake up in the morning and why they move forward in life.

Happiness Essay Outline

In this section, we will share an outline for happiness essay example. This is a handy template that you can apply to your task. We recommend creating such sketches for each written work. This will help you see your article structure and its framework. After that, it will be easier to add meanings and thoughts. They will be more consistent because you will already understand how and what to talk about. You will see the main thesis and ways to reveal it.

Now let's move on to specifics. We present an example on the topic: Why am I happy working at night? First, the title of our example is very strict, from which you can already understand what the article will be about. No matter what size, its title should always be accurate and contain your main idea. Much depends on title success, but more on that later! Check out an example of happiness essay outline for each section below. 

Hint: In case you need to know how many pages you should write, our words to pages converter is here at your disposal.

Happiness Essay Introduction

An introduction of happiness essay can block your thoughts by its blank page, just like an introduction to any task. But do not give up, we`ve prepared samples! To begin with, single out your thesis. It should complete your introduction. Then, find your way to it using words. It must be a coherent reflection, written according to logical laws. We have a step-by-step guide that should help write a good introduction.

  • Briefly describe your work and its objective shortcomings. 
  • Make a special twist for the thesis. It should be interesting.
  • Create a thesis. This is a concentrated in-depth content of your work. 

Let's look at a sample we created for a better understanding.  

Example of happiness introduction

For one to experience true happiness, they must be willing to experience a great deal of pain and suffering. It is a notion that few individuals are willing to embrace. Most people believe that fulfillment of personal desires is happiness and lack of satisfaction of these wants means to experience suffering. It is associated with luck, good fortune and pleasure. Contentment is in most instances coupled with people’s images of health, job, security, family, friends, money and possessions. Often when people make plans for the future, they refer to the good times and experiences they hope to have. It is normal to seek happiness in life. It is as a result not perturbing to find that many individuals suppose that the principal goal in life is to capitalize on happiness. As a result, thousands of books and articles have been produced on techniques to maximize happiness. Although it is widely agreed that the chief objective of life is to receive happiness, most individuals seldom reflect on what that truly encompasses. Buddhists assert that true happiness should not be viewed as the omission of suffering (Rinpoche). One must experience suffering to truly understand happiness.

Happiness Essay Thesis Statement

Here we will help you learn to form your thesis statement about happiness essay. A strong thesis guides many internal processes in your article. It manages and influences work structure. The thesis helps a reader understand basic concepts that will operate on your topic.

A well-written thesis is a thesis that performs several functions at once. First, it should identify a topic for discussion. If your article is about joy, there is a need for mentioning something more detailed. For example, a cup of coffee, a smile of your loved one, and a spark in the eyes of a cat. All of this is specific and helps strengthen your thesis.

Second, any thesis summarizes the main arguments and persuades readers to continue researching your topic. You can view our archive and determine what is a strong thesis for you. What examples really caught your attention? As a reminder, you can use these examples as a guide to writing your work!

Happiness Essay Body Paragraph

Still looking at how to write a paragraph on happiness in life? Here is your stop! The main part of this article should reveal a thesis. It should include at least 2 points that most fully support your thesis. Read 2 points below that help reveal the topic.

  • My work gives me the delight of smelling fresh bread. It reminds me of a carefree summer in my grandmother's house. She always created a kind of magic, the result of which was this unsurpassed fragrance.
  • Nothing compares to the bakery’s silence. This moment is really unique, but it can be surpassed by one quiet sound. It turns out bread can speak! Cracking freshly baked bread is fantastic. I like drinking strong coffee in silence catching these negotiations notes between the loaves.

This is a scheme that can be used in articles by both children and students. This theme of our work is quite personal and paradoxical, but it makes it quite universal. What's more, you can browse our free samples and find inspiration for creating your own happy story. We have this short paragraph below.

Example of short paragraph on happiness

Suffering defines people’s character and views of life. In most conversations, people talk about their desire to receive happiness in future endeavors and work towards the achievement of that desire. No one craves suffering, yet it is inevitable. Often when individuals discuss the past, happiness is not the only focus of their dialogue. They tend to center of ordeals that seem most significant to them. Individuals aim at receiving true happiness but acknowledge that their pain and suffering define them. Suffering tends to take people out of their comfort zone and bring them to a different kind of reality that life is not as they imagined. It makes one appreciate the trivial things in life. It changes people’s perceptions of life and redirects their attitudes and beliefs.

Happiness Essay Conclusion

How to write a conclusion for happiness essay? It is exactly what we are going to discuss now. The last word in the conversation is always remembered. This principle also works in the world of writing. There are often cases when teachers reread theses and conclusions. This is done for refreshing the memory of what you read.

Connection between thesis and conclusions must be unbreakable. Our thesis was the following statement: 

Happiness lies in the details. And as we know, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Our main part revealed this thesis. We reinforced its significance, examples were concrete and touching. Every conclusion should summarize everything mentioned in your article. It should lay the groundwork for further research or for readers’ reflections. Look at our sample below.

Example of happiness essay conclusion

Happiness and suffering are two sides of the same coin. One cannot be truly happy without experiencing pain and despair. Happiness should therefore not be considered as the absence of suffering but the victory and consequence of overcoming the suffering. The ability to look beyond the torment and appreciation of what life has to offer. People should be able to turn suffering and happiness into enlightenment. They should be able to live past the fear of enduring suffering to realize the true form of happiness. The first step to experiencing real joy in life is realizing that suffering is imperative. It enables one to appreciate the mere fact that they exist. They learn to derive happiness from their inner self rather than the material world. Happiness and suffering are states of the mind that people must learn to control.

How to Write a Happiness Essay

Is it obligatory to know how to write about happiness? This kind of topic is quite popular. It can be coded in matters of lifestyle, education, money, etc. This theme is sacred for everyone. The same is true of its disclosure.

We have noted its structure above. But in an essay on happiness, its content is more important. Such task value really lies in its sincerity and straightforwardness. We recommend focusing on happy memories. You should create a clear picture in your head of what you are describing. It may sound ridiculous, but yes, the writing process, in this case, is very similar to a spell against dementors!

After writing, you should reread your work. Does it evoke in you that feeling you described? If so, this work will convey your position to a teacher. If not, think about how you can improve it. Perhaps our examples can inspire you to certain language expressions that will better reveal your opinion.

Interesting Happiness Essay Topics

As we have already noted, topic about happiness essay can be obvious and hidden. In this part, we present our list of such topics. According to our editors, they are quite interesting to reveal. The author's approach to highlighting details and placing accents makes the themes uncluttered. We emphasize that shifting readers’ attention from obvious to something more personal can only improve your topic on happiness essay!

For example, a happiness topic for you is your favorite football team match. But shift emphasis from this game itself to some little things. Hot dogs at the stadium, fans’ behavior, referee’s work – these are details that make any writing more real.

  1. What is happiness for you?
  2. Is it true that happy people wake up early?
  3. What do I eat when I feel satisfaction?
  4. What are the criteria for determining memory as the happiest?
  5. Debunking the term “female happiness” in retrospect of the feminist movement.
  6. How do animals feel happy?
  7. What happy memory would I show to aliens to tell more about humanity?
  8. Is it possible to buy happiness?
  9. What is wealth for you?

We have a long list of different kinds of topics besides happiness. Are you looking for love essay or freedom essay. You will find them here with ease.


FAQ About Happiness Essays

1. Are your happiness essay examples free?

Yes, we allow you to view our free essays on happiness. They are of good quality and this can serve as a beacon for you in writing your work. Unfortunately, you cannot use these essays in your academic life but our service can write you an original essay on any topic!

2. What to write in an importance of happiness essay?

Importance of happiness essay is a great way to reflect on your life. It is worth noting what achievements the feeling of happiness pushes you to. What happiness awakens in you, what thoughts fill your head in such moments. The importance of happiness is in its availability. Each of us is made happy by completely different things, but the result still remains the same.

3. What are the benefits of happiness essay?

An essay about happiness in life has a wonderful psychological effect. The author mentally returns to safe memory or to habitual ritual. In turn, this allows our nervous system to take a short break from stress and relax. Such essays draw our attention to truly valuable things in life, laying the groundwork for further reflection. For example, you like to eat breakfast slowly but can't do it because of work. An essay on this topic will allow you to start thinking about how to return this important ritual to your life, qualitatively changing it for the better.

4. What is the best title for happiness short essay?

Happiness essay titles are no different than regular titles. They should be short, intriguing, and informative. For example, we write essays about pottery classes. The title “My first cup” will be appropriate. It is short and intriguing. After its reading, readers will think about the first cup of coffee in the morning, and not about pottery. Breaking expectations is the basic rule in storytelling. This fascinates a reader and it will be harder for them to break away from your essay!


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