Industrial Revolution Essays: The Ultimate Writing Guide & Examples

Essays on the Industrial Revolution are found in all disciplines. This is true because the impact of technological development extends to all areas. History of Western civilization knows many revolutions in industry. These are periods when rapid technological changes are taking place. However, in mankind's history, there was only one Industrial Revolution. There was a transition from an agrarian, artisanal economy to a predominantly urban, machine civilization during one century.

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The Industrial Revolution: Inventions, Working Conditions & Economic Change

The Industrial Revolution happened from the 18 th to the 19 th centuries. This period marked the reform of the agrarian rural societies in America and Europe to industrial and urban societies. Before the commencement...

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What Is an Industrial Revolution Essay

Definition of essay on Industrial Revolution is inseparable from the revolution definition itself. Events that accompanied this process were caused by many social and economic reasons. They were also prepared by scientific revolution of the XVIII century. Its main leading direction was new mathematics emergence because of many scientists` hard work. It was completed by Leibniz and Newton's mathematical analysis creation. 

At the same time, the final role in scientific innovation was played by Newtonian mechanics formation. It was a new worldview that was designed to significantly influence science development in next two and a half centuries. However, it must be acknowledged that in human affairs related to Earth, Newtonian fusion's importance is unlikely to diminish.

Industrial Revolution Essay Examples: An Interactive Writing Samples

Writing an Industrial Revolution argumentative essay is much easier than carrying out this process! Note that absolutely common and sometimes obsolete today’s things — are direct this historical event consequences. Its integral part is innovation in means of communication. It includes rail (passenger and freight), sea and river transport,  telephone and telegraph introduction, energy, as well as innovations in mining and metallurgy. Book printing's emergence marked the information revolution — a rising in science and education.

Any of these facts can be central for your Industrial Revolution essay in pdf. Then it's up to reveal details and give shape to ideas. Next, we will tell you how to create a plan and unite your thoughts around it. Read free cause and effect essays examples on our website as well. They will help you to get the best result! It is an Industrial Revolution summary essay that your teacher will remember for a long time!

Industrial Revolution Essay Outline

Writing the Industrial Revolution outline for essay is the hardest part of work. You need to create a framework on which ideas and arguments will be strung. We understand your surprise about this creative work`s structure. However, history essays and writing are not as romantic as somebody could think. This is painstaking work. But creating a plan is its fundamental foundation.

You have to understand how and what you will write about. After all, each essay should have an introduction, main part, and conclusion. It is not that welcome breaking this structure. Any teacher expects to receive just such an essay. Let's move from word to deed and look at what we're talking about.

Industrial Revolution Essay Outline

Introduction: Brief mention of this historical event causes.

Thesis statement: Growing demand for industrial goods.

Body paragraph 

  • Finances release and their new investment.
  • Financial system development.
  • Emergence of transport solutions bulk — universal engine.
  • Revolution in society. Trade unions and labor movement.

Conclusion: We can never comprehend these consequences. This process continues and will continue, as long as humanity exists.

Industrial Revolution Essay Introduction

We highly recommend writing the Industrial Revolution essay introduction after the main part. Yes, this first part of an essay should not be done at the beginning. You have to write it clearly for existing ideas. It helps you not to confuse yourself and get lost in a topic. It is also important to have a clear thesis, so to speak, truth grain. We will dwell on this in more detail later. Now we offer to review our introduction to Industrial Revolution essay sample!

Industrial revolution essay introduction example 

The industrial revolution is used to define the movement from the use of muscular strength to the use of machines and other sources of energy to manufacture and process things. The industrial revolution was a slow and steady process with people coming from centuries of relying on their strength and power as well as that of animals to perform different tasks and activities. Some of the necessary changes that brought about what is today known as industrial revolution include the use of steam and other sources of power to manufacture goods in place of human or animal strength, the introduction of machines and other handy tools that made work easier as well as the adoption of the factory system. 

Industrial Revolution Essay Thesis Statement

Paper is impossible without Industrial Revolution thesis statement. This is your work engine and it must be reinforced concrete. Thesis's goal is to emphasize your essay's main idea.  The whole point of your work should be whether you confirm or deny it. Works, where a thesis is refuted, are not so common. We do not recommend resorting to this in your work.

In our examples here, any thesis is confirmed. In this case, it is easier to find arguments. And it is easier for readers to accept what is written.

All this has made English agriculture not only significantly more productive but also more profitable. After all, industrial goods demand has increased incredibly.

Industrial Revolution Essay Body Paragraph

In this part, we present 5 paragraph essay about the Industrial Revolution body part. This is an extended outline version. Each argument is a consequence or addition to the previous one. This effect reinforces thesis and overall essay impression. Explore your topic from different angles.

  • Agricultural revolution solved another problem: finding money to build factories and mills. Factories were several times more expensive than manufactories. So, capital accumulated in agriculture was spent on the industry.
  • Thus in England, there was natural resources` wealth, free capital, desire, and ability to invest in various economic sectors. There was mass demand for industrial products. Following Industrial Revolution, the country began to develop a small local bank system. It provided freer funds circulation.
  • They began to build toll roads in response to rapidly growing industry needs. Later, England could be recognized for a number of inventions associated with this revolution. These include spinning wheel Jenny and steam pump. It is also worth mentioning the universal engine. It could now be installed in factories and plants.
  • It is thanks to this historical event that we can talk about technological progress today as well. There is a trade union movement and socialist and workers' organizations. Thus, the basis of many XIX — early XX century social upheavals is also Industrial Revolution.

Industrial revolution essay body example

The industrial revolution had an enormous impact on the lives of workers in Europe. The coming up of companies in the urban center caused people to migrate from their rural homes in search of employment in the newly set up companies. Having left their well-established homes, workers went directly to work in the companies for long hours; this gave them little or no time to construct decent houses for a living.

Industrial Revolution Essay Conclusion

Writing is impossible without a conclusion for the Industrial Revolution essay. It is like a confession that should lead to certain conclusions. Its purpose is paraphrasing your thesis — its modification. Show that your topic contains many more opportunities for additional research. At the same time, your work must be completed and fulfilled.

Industrial revolution essay conclusion example 

The impacts of the industrial revolution were both positive and adverse not only in Europe but in regions around the globe. With the introduction of machinery, work would be made easier and a better life for everyone. Employment in the factories also leads to increased wealth and consequently economic growth. However with the industrial revolution, there was increased child labor, increased number of workers dying due to poor working conditions as well as reduced life expectancy all over the world.

How to Write an Industrial Revolution Essay

Learning to write an Industrial Revolution paper is difficult but not impossible. Do yourself an invaluable favor — just get started. This will be one of victories over yourself. When working with an essay, pay attention to your content. Look how beautifully and figuratively you build sentences or even how you came out with interesting Industrial Revolution essay topics!

Here are some easy rules for successful essay writing:

  1. Say no to rewriting. If you engage in plagiarism, it will not develop your writing skills. Impressions, statements, and conclusions — should be only your own.
  2. Before you write an essay, you should make a plan. As for a plan, there should be three main parts — introduction, main part, and conclusions.
  3. Think about your essay in advance. Do not sit down on a blank sheet and do not start from scratch. Go for a walk thinking of where to start it or how to finish.
  4. Read good works examples. This will leave correct spelling, images, and phrases in your head. Eventually, you will mentally accustom yourself to working properly with words. In this aspect, we have something to help you! Other students have shared with us their good-quality essays, such as American Revolution essay and French Revolution essay. You can use them for free as a model for your future work!

FAQ About Industrial Revolution Essays

1. Are your Industrial Revolution essays free?

Yes, we have more than one free Industrial Revolution essay. You can't submit them but you can use them as templates. If you have problems writing your own paper, contact us, and we will help you!

2. What is the Industrial Revolution short summary?

In such the Industrial Revolution essays you have to briefly retell revolution history. You need to include causes, ways in which it took place, and main consequences. This is historical event analysis, so you can limit yourself to dry facts. Remember that in this case, the examples should be specific and vivid!

3. Are your Industrial Revolution essays unique?

Every student performed their essay about the Industrial Revolution in accordance with all writing rules. These works are unique and written from scratch. We expect the same from you! Remember that intellectual property rights are important, and violating them is severely punished in all educational institutions.

4. What сan I write in essay about "Did the Industrial Revolution improve life?"

This topic is very cool for the Industrial Revolution essay in English! You can tell how the technological revolution has affected your life. For example, in our modern life, you can throw laundry in the machine and use this time for self-improvement. Without the Industrial Revolution, you would have to wash by hand, wasting precious time!


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