Slavery Essay Examples & Topic Ideas for Everyone

Are you interested in writing some top-notch slave essays but don’t know where to start? Is writing block too much for you to handle right now? StudyBounty’s got your back! We offer you every essay on slaves available for you in full pdf format from our sample library. Use a filter and find whatever suits you best. Download them for your convenience. Have the best writing experience with StudyBounty!

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Rebellions of African Slaves: Gabriel, Deslondes, and Turner

Rebellions of African Slaves: Gabriel, Deslondes, and Turner Introduction The fight for freedom of African slaves in the United States was as old as slavery in the colonial United States. Africans in the new...

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14 Sep 2023

Modern-Day Slavery Intervention

The words, slavery, human trafficking, debt bondage and forced labor have blotted a significant part of the history of humans. It is therefore sad to note that the terms still hold ground in the modern lives of...

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The Long Road to Freedom for American Slaves

The Long Road to Freedom for American Slaves Slavery can be considered as one of the most resilient institutions in America, having lasted almost two and a half centuries (Berlin, 2015). This is in spite of the fact...

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14 Sep 2023

Modern Slavery in the Global Fashion Industry

Introduction The United States and the world understand that the Declaration of the Emancipation of 1863 ended slavery, at least on paper. The comprehension may be true considering that the Emancipation...

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Pages: 8

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America Slave and Civil War History

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The Fugitive Slave Act and The John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry

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Slave Labor in Colonial America

It is indeed shocking to hear that slavery still exists in the contemporary society. The vice manifests itself in different ways with the earliest case dating back to as early as the 17 th century. The poor in...

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14 Sep 2023

Impact of Abraham’s Lincoln’s Inaugural Speech on the Abolition of Slavery

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Non-African Americans who risked their lives, reputations and wealth to help free thousands of slaves

The abolitionist movement in the United States of America was made up of valiant non-African Americans, who helped the black Americans to fight against the institution of slavery before the start of the Civil War....

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History of Slavery and Its Impact on Contemporary Society

Introduction Though slavery and slave trade was officially abolished in the 1860s, its residual impacts are still widely felt in the contemporary society. During the colonial era, slavery was seen as a way of...

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Assignment types
Academic level

What Is a Slavery Essay

So what exactly is a definition of essay on slavery? This type of paper, as the title suggests, examines the history and use of slave labor and the various ways that emancipation has been done in the past. It should demonstrate that slaves were deprived of their legal and social rights. These were taken away as well as their right to privacy and authority over their own lives. It is vital to examine how slaves were treated in the hands of their masters.

Slavery refers only to one type of social and economic arrangement. However, it has been in existence for thousands of years. Although it was abolished more than 150 years ago, the practice still exists in our society. And the descendants of slaves don't forget about their past struggles. They are much more protective of this topic than ever. However, it is important to remember the sufferings of slavery and the mere fact it must be abolished.

Slavery Essay Examples for Your Inspiration

What good can a slavery essay in pdf format sample do to you? Examples of this type of paper can help you organize your thoughts and structure your own work. They can assist you in avoiding mistakes and analyzing whether your topic is applicable to your course. For those who are not familiar with this topic, it is possible to search historical books, peer-reviewed journals, or trusted online resources for more information. Ask your professor for suggestions on sources and add comments to your citations.

But the topic doesn’t stop with and abolishment of slavery in America. You can find lots of essays on modern slavery on our website. Human trafficking stays a topical theme for Americans and many people nowadays. And it is a logical step to highlight their struggles. As an example, look at our human trafficking essay.

Slavery Argumentative Essay

It is crucial to ensure that your argumentative essay about slavery can be understood by your readers. You should begin your paper with a clear statement of what it's about. Add a supporting idea that will explain your position on the matter. Remember, that even if you are an expert on the subject, it is still important to do preliminary research. You will find valuable information in reliable historical books as well as trusted online sources. We suggest various history essay examples to our users. But to create an argumentative essay on slavery, you shouldn't rely only on sources from outside of your discipline. Rather, integrate your knowledge and reflections with the existing evidence. So, your audience can get a clear understanding of the issues involved.

Start with researching some good argumentative essay topics on slavery. We suggest you pick a few of them. Then, narrow your choice to the one you like the most. This way, you’ll be sure that you chose the most interesting title for your paper.

Slavery Essay Outline

There are many ideas for outline on slavery essay out there. They can focus on different aspects and cover everything from major historical events to today's effects. It is always helpful to have an outline in order to structure your paper. You can use it to develop a few theories about the subject. Then, back them up with evidence. 

The outline can be used by students to guide them in writing essays about this topic. Here is a great example that can help you out.

Slavery paper outline


  • Hook. Use this part to interest your audience in your paper. Use a short topical story, a quote, etc.
  • Thesis statement. Even though slavery is illegal for centuries ago, those who suffered from this terrible era still feel the traumatization and pain.

Body Paragraph #1: What is it?

  • Give a definition.
  • Explain its origins. When did it start? Where? 

Body Paragraph #2: Slavery in your country.

  • What started it? Why? 
  • When did it end? Why?
  • What were the consequences of it? 
  • Name the important people who fought against slavery and consequential prejudices.

Body Paragraph #3: Modern slavery.

  • Why does it exist? Where?
  • How does the government fight it?


  • Restate thesis statement.
  • Concluding sentence.

Slavery Essay Introduction

If you don’t know how to start your own paper, try looking up an introduction example for a slavery essay. StudyBounty can provide whatever sample you need. But if you’re looking for a more general guideline, remember that you should include a hook and thesis statement in an introduction paper. The hook should give a brief description of the subject. The thesis should summarize the most important information within the essay. 

You can begin a paper with a summary of its history. It is a fact that almost every nation on earth has been affected, save the Aboriginal Australians. As such, exploring the history of this issue in the United States in its entirety would require a global account. 

Take a look at this sample of an introduction:

Slavery is a sensitive subject in America and a very well researched historical subject with diverse perspectives. Among the interesting areas of study is how slavery and slave labor affected the relationship between the native communities and Europeans. Before the advent of European settlement, a form of slavery existed within the Indian communities. This form of early slavery also had an element of camaraderie and mutual respect between the slave and the slavers. The Europeans, however, came and introduced an extreme form of total slavery where the slaves were treated as lesser human beings almost akin to animals. The Indian communities soon adopted the extreme form of slavery and began hunting one another for sale to the Europeans. Soon after, the Europeans themselves were hunting for native Indian slaves, a practice that continued until the influx of African slaves diminished the demand for slaves . To some extent, some native Indians began to indulge in African slavery, a trend that continued until the emancipation of slavery after the Civil War. Slavery was, therefore, an important element in the relationship between Indians and Europeans in the Americas.

Slavery Essay Thesis Statement

Effective thesis for a slavery essay will grab readers’ attention even more than a hook. It will serve as a backbone of your entire paper. It can clearly state your central point and help to organize your work.

You must remember that making a clear and concise thesis statement for such kind of paper is important. You can include a quotation that supports your thesis as well as personal thoughts and opinions. They must be broad enough to find textual support but also focused enough to present a clear, concise thesis statement. 

A thesis statement is a key part of a good paper. It requires considerable thought because it basically is your foundation piece. Check out our sample below. 

Thesis statement on slavery

Even though slavery is illegal for centuries ago, those who suffered from this terrible era still feel the traumatization and pain.

Slavery Essay Body Paragraph

After the introduction, your body of 5 paragraph essay on slavery should address the main point. Here, an argument should be supported by relevant evidence. You should use credible sources to back up your claim. This is how readers will believe that you are an authority on this topic. We recommend browsing any synthesis paragraph example before writing your essay.

It is important to have a solid body paragraph when you write this kind of essay. First, brainstorm the ideas you want to expand upon in your paper. They must be minimum of 3 since a body paragraph usually consists of 3 parts. Next, you should introduce each paragraph starting with a topical sentence. Support them with evidence and arguments. So, your paper feels solid.

Take a look at this sample of a body paragraph:

Before the arrival of European colonists, a benign form of slavery existed where the slaves and slavers coexisted in mutual respect. In most cases, slaves would be captured in wars between different native Indian tribes or clans. Captured soldiers or clan members would be treated differently depending on the tribe and the level of animosity between the warring factions. For example, in extreme cases, the slaves would be maimed or wounded as a form of revenge for the damage done by the tribes that they came from. In best case scenarios, the slaves would be adopted in the new tribes and even allowed to marry the widows of the men killed in the conflict. Further, slaves captured in a war would be given to the rival tribes in exchange for the ones captured by the other tribes. On all these scenarios, the slaves would be treated as fellow human beings by their captures.

Slavery Essay Conclusion

A good conclusion for an essay about slavery should reiterate the main idea or thesis. In other words, restate your thesis statement linking conclusion to entire paper. Remember that you shouldn’t rewrite your thesis word for word. It will just look unprofessional and boring. Moreover, you shouldn’t add any new information or examples in an ending paragraph. Better use them in the body. Instead, wrap up your ending with a good concluding sentence. It should compel an audience to research your topic further.

Need a visual example? Check out this conclusion sample we chose:

When the African slaves came, the Europeans for a time reduced their acrimony towards the Indians and even cooperate with them. It is at this juncture that all the parties involved, from the Europeans to all the local tribes seemed to have a cordial relationship. Eventually, however, the Europeans, due to a need for land occupied by the Indians would renew their acrimony with the local tribes and seek to push them away from their lands. The fight for land can be considered as the last cycle in the relationship between the local communities and the Europeans as the land-based acrimony still subsists. The story of the relationship between the local communities and the Indians, therefore, is closely intertwined with the story of the need for slave labor and the subsequent need for land due to an influx of slave labor.

How to Write a Modern Slavery Essay

Writing essays on slavery in America can be challenging. It is essential to know how to structure and organize information to make your paper powerful. Here are a few great tips for writing an essay about slavery in the United States:

  1. Read up on the topic you are writing your short essay on slavery about. For a deeper understanding and more comprehensive view of its impact on history, it is worth reading books. You can consult your professor before you start using any sources. But, be imaginative. You can add personal connections to your topic and make comments.
  2. Create an outline for your paper. It will help you with organizing all thoughts and arguments during the whole writing process.
  3. You must state your main point without making your audience guess what you want them to believe. Use proper grammar to refute and present opposing viewpoints in an essay. 
  4. Use proper citations. For this, remember to refer to all professor’s requirements and learn a citation style you should use.
  5. Have someone read your paper after you’ve finished it. They can help you to edit your work objectively since you might miss some mistakes or inconsistencies in your own writing.

Slavery Essay Topics Ideas

Usually, essay topics about slavery have many implications. And they can trigger negative emotions. But if you can present it in a clear and concise manner, you will have a more persuasive paper. We suggest you pick different slavery titles for essay that you like. Then, choose the best one out of them. This will ensure you have the most interest in your work as well as have lots of sources to go through when you’re writing this kind of paper.

Check out these top10 slavery essay titles:

  1. Sexual abuse of black female slaves.
  2. Slavery and social construction of motherhood.
  3. Slavery in “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain.
  4. Christianity and slavery in early American literature.
  5. The sociology of slavery, race, and ethnicity.
  6. The loss of humanness for slaves and slaveholders.
  7. Causes and irreparable consequences of the Atlantic slave trade.
  8. Why did the slave trade come to an end?
  9. Profitability of slavery — its impact on humans and culture.
  10. Slavery and the making of America.

FAQ About Slavery Essays

1. Are your slavery essays free?

Yes, we offer only free essays on slavery! You don’t have to pay anything after a trial run because we just don’t have one. Moreover, you don’t have to set up a new account or register to check out our samples. Just use a filter we provide, choose examples you like, and download them in pdf format to view them both online and offline.

2. What is a short slavery paper?

Short papers on slavery are just as valid as any other type of paper about this topic. They explore the same problem but in a much more clear and precise manner because their word count is very limited. You can find a topic that requires less to write about. This will help you down the line.

3. How to start an essay about slavery in America?

You can start your essay on slavery in America by researching your topic, starting all the way from the colonization of the continent. Use as many sources as you can. Then, create an outline and structure your paper. You can include your thesis statement here so you won’t lose it later.

4. Can I use your slavery essays for free?

Yes, you can use our essays about slavery for free. Just remember that you shouldn’t submit them as your own papers. They exist purely as samples for whatever your own work can look like or as a much-needed inspiration boost. Submitting them to your professor will result in you getting a bad mark because the plagiarism score will shoot through the roof.


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