Good Love Essays That Always Work: Writing Guide and Tips

All you need is a little bit of affection and a love essay in English. Those two will make your day and improve your academic life once and for all. But before we get to theory, outlines, samples, or structures, we want to say a couple of things about our service. Here you can find excellent essays about love. Do you know what makes them so special? They were donated to us by other students. Therefore, they are known for good quality, creativity, and originality. So use the service and read this guide to know more!

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Write Your Love Essay Faster and Get Motivated

There are several things our essays on true love in English are known for. Of course, we are not bragging. But we do feel affection for them. So we want to highlight the unique and valuable features of this website before we get to the theory. When you google “my love essay” you should know that samples here are: 

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Have we mentioned that it only takes a couple of minutes to have everything you want? Our user-friendly interface will allow you to download samples right away.

You don't have a reason not to enjoy this website. It has everything any student might need. Need inspiration? Motivation? Some proper samples to succeed? Or simply something to read? It's all here.

So, enjoy!

Love Essay Papers for Free

Paper on love talks about one of the best feelings in the world. There are many people about whom we care deeply. Therefore, taking your time and mentioning them in your paper is always a plus. These many other reasons make articles on this website unique.

All college essays about love that you find here or previously donated to us by other students. That is why they’re so original and creative. They have done an excellent job of making them entertaining, engaging, and academic. Besides, you can see that all the writers are of different genders or sexualities. Therefore, you can definitely find love essays for her, for him, or for them. 

Make sure to be creative! Risking a good topic is a nice strategy. However, if you want to develop a controversial opinion, use evidence though. It will save you from offending other people.

Free Love Essay Samples in PDF

A sample of short essay about love is convenient on so many different levels. We already mentioned that they are free, easy to access, and allow limitless downloads. So you can literally spend hours or even days on this platform reading and being inspired by our samples.

There is only one thing that you should definitely remember. Any sample of free essays on love that you’ll find here cannot be given or submitted to your professor as your own. These works belong to other students that were previously donated to us. Therefore, making it look like the article is yours is plagiarism. 

So, find perfect “love essays for him” here!

Short Essays on Love

We will start with a short essay about love. They can be around 300 words or less. That is why we call them short essays about love in pdf. Once more: yes, they are available in pdf. But they still cannot be submitted to colleges. We can always write you an original one though.

Anyway, check a good example of short essay love before writing. It will give you a basic understanding of the subject and academic writing in general. It is hard to copy structure, tone, and academic voice without samples by your side. That is why we are here!

You can still follow a structure that includes an introduction, main body, and conclusion, even with short articles. However, these paragraphs will surely be shorter. 

Inspirational Essay About Love in English

Now it is time to discuss a 500 word essay about love. This kind is obviously longer than an essay about love 300 words. However, students are also surprised to know that all papers follow similar rules when it comes to formats, style, and structure. 

A good 500 word love essay will:

  • Tell personal stories using academic language.
  • Inspire others to fall for other people and explore affection.
  • Combine personal examples with academic literature.
  • Follow a structure that fits the chosen style of writing.
  • Use evidence supporting their conclusions and arguments.
  • Overall be intriguing, original, and creative.
  • Offer original thinking.
  • Captivate with expressive language, without being too overbearing.

We are sure that with our samples available here you will definitely succeed with your academic rating. Students will also notice that our samples can check out all the points we have mentioned before.

Love Essay Examples of Any Type

There are many different types we offer. Thus, find a perfect example of essays about love right here and now! You will see that essay examples about love are written differently. It is because academic writing offers varied types of papers students can write. They can go for narrative, definition, expository, argumentative, or persuasive articles. 

Nevertheless, there are many other types available. So, everything depends on the needs of the students. Do you need an argumentative article? We got it and so much more here! They are also free and limitless. So, if you need something — you can be sure that we have it. All samples were donated to us by other students!

Argumentative Essay About Love

We will start our quest with an argumentative essay about true love. Well first define what is an argumentative article and how you can read it. So, this is a type of academic paper that presents and proves an argument on your selected topic. This time we are talking about affection and feelings.

There are many things students can use to develop their own argumentative essay topics about love. What they definitely should remember is that argumentative articles require proof and evidence. As evidence, they can use academic articles, statistics, and even vocabulary. However, depending on your circumstances and personal experiences, examples are also accepted. So, choose our argumentative essay examples that work for you. Make sure that your evidence is enough to convince the audience.

Narrative Essays on Love

Narrative essays about love are next on our list. This type of academic paper usually tells a story. However, the trajectory and the main idea of your story can be different depending on your topic. Since we are talking about affection here, you should definitely look through a good narrative essay example about love. 

As it is a story, it must have several narrative elements to it. First and foremost, you need to know your characters and their motivation. Moreover, the plot must be understandable for anyone who reads your story. As it is an academic paper, language should be both engaging and formal as you are submitting it. Browse our narrative essay examples and pay attention to every detail.

We always recommend reading stories about stuff you personally know. This makes the product overall better in all senses of the word. 

Just like always, if you don’t know where to start, check any example of short narrative essay about love here!

Short Persuasive Essay About Love

Persuasive essays on love are also rather popular. Even though this topic doesn’t really seem that controversial, trust us, it can be. There are a lot of opinions about it and people who feel passionate about affection. When it comes to this topic you can choose several perspectives and trajectories any story can take.

If talking about persuasive essay topics about love, marriage is usually a popular one. For instance, you can try to persuade your audience that arranged marriages should not be allowed, especially without agreement on both sides. Argue that feelings are usually the only reasons for getting married. Thus, this whole thing will work. You can also talk about same-sex marriages and how you feel about them.

When it comes to persuasive papers, your opinion should be strong and evidence should be present to convince the audience. See how others did it by looking through any example of persuasive essay.

Informative Essays About Love

How to write an informative essay? We also advise you to check any example of informative essay about love. Informative essays might not be as intriguing to write as narrative or argumentative ones. But it doesn’t mean that they are less academic or less important. Informative articles do not try to persuade or evoke emotional responses. Their main goal is to educate readers on your selected topic.

An informative essay about love will use academic language as a way to discuss a topic your readers did not understand before. Considering that the subject is rather simple, we can also discuss several perspectives on it. Use examples from literature or philosophy. There are many ways you can actually make simple subjects deeper and more academic. Examples are one of the ways for sure. 

True Love Definition Essay Examples

Our last stop on the quest to see what articles you can write is definition essays about love. Definition articles are not far away from informative or expository ones. Your main goal here is to define a subject you have selected and introduce it to your audience. You are not arguing anything or persuading anyone.

Still, this article must be engaging. Therefore, definitely check a sample of definition essay on love. It will allow you to see how other writers approach academic style in writing. It is not the easiest task out there. So, having an example of extended definition essay on love will be a great advantage. This way you will also know that using personal examples or stories from other people is allowed if you want to extend your topic. You’re not only limited by definitions found in the vocabulary. So, check our definition essay examles and explore! 

What Is a True Love Essay

Now we can finally come to our definition of love essays. After all this time we are ready finally to define this paper. Definition: It is an academic article that deals with feelings and your opinions on them. It is your job to define what is affection or persuade your audience that your argument is correct.

The definition of essay on love is rather simple. However, you might be surprised to know that topics that seem simple are often actually the hardest ones. It is hard to make such subjects deeper than they actually are or more academic. You need a lot of creativity, practice, research, and originality to make sure that your article is not copying someone else’s work. So, we definitely recommend you to see how other students here do it before starting.

Love Essay Outline

Now it is time to get to our outline of love essay in English. It is the best way to save some time when writing. An outline does not include sentences. It usually consists of citations, thesis statements, and evidence. Students should also remember that they are doing the outline for themselves. So, feel free to structure how you see convenient. 

Example of love essay outline


  • Introduce your topic definition starting with the fact that affection is natural to students, starting from children.
  • Give some background: Mention that the article will talk about your life and examples from literature.
  • Offer a thesis statement claiming that affection is one of the purest feelings in the world.

Main body

  • Introduce the first point by talking about your perspective on affection.
  • Give an example to showcase your idea (from literature or real life).
  • Mention how anyone can tell that they are falling for someone.


  • Restate our previous thesis.
  • Summarize what true affection is to you.
  • Remind people to take care of those who are near them.

Love Essay Introduction

We will discuss the outline in more detail, starting with an introduction about love essay. Introduction leaves the first impression on your readers. It is one of the first paragraphs they actually see in your work. So, spend time preparing it.

Any good introduction will contain at least three sentences, including an introductory statement or the so-called hook, background, and thesis. All these little parts serve one purpose and that is to prepare and impress your readers. They must be motivated to actually read your work. However, the audience must also realize what they are reading about.

Introduction is also not the best part for good evidence to be mentioned. Leave all the examples and citations you have for your main body paragraphs.

Introduction of love essay example

Love is among the many profound things within the life of any human being. Even though there are several ways within which love can be expressed, a romantic relationship is one of the most predominant ways in many societies. For some people, a romantic relationship is one of the most meaningful elements in their lives as it provides deep fulfillment. However, at times it does not necessarily mean given love will be reciprocated with equal measures as different people look for different fulfillment in their romantic relationships. In the societies of Hills Like White Elephants and The Necklace, the authors use different and similar gender attitudes towards love and relationship to narrate their short stories.

Love Essay Thesis Statement

Thesis about love will have the most important idea of the student's article. We have mentioned it before, but the thesis is the last part of your introduction. It is a place where you collect all your points into one connected idea. Later, go on discussing these points in the main body paragraphs. Nevertheless, the thesis will not only be helpful for real readers but also for you.

If you have a well-developed thesis in your outline or somewhere in front of you, it saves you so much time. Moreover, it also improves the quality of your reading and makes it sharp and clear. Check samples and write your thesis now! 

Essay thesis example about love

Falling for a person can take one's breath away with happiness, support through tiring times, and even break one's heart.

Love Essay Body Paragraph

Now it’s time to get to the paragraph on love. There are so many books, articles, and songs written about this feeling. But you definitely have your own opinion on it. Depending on the type of article you choose, the structure of the main body will be different. However, almost all paragraphs follow similar rules. 

In a long 5 paragraph essay about love, we’ll have free distinct main body paragraphs. These paragraphs usually take up to 80% of the overall work. Therefore, they must be written clearly. Good writer always balances their own thoughts with academic evidence and statistics they have found to prove their argument. Moreover, the main body paragraphs should follow all the points that are mentioned in the thesis. If you succeed in doing so, you will have a very successful paper on your hands. 

Example of body paragraph for my love essay

In the short story Hills Like White Elephants, the girl seems unsure of what she wants in their romantic relationship. This is depicted by the change of her stand in their conversations. At the beginning of the story, the girl says, "They look like white elephants" (Hemingway 229). This phrase initially looks like the normal offhand remark. Nonetheless, when truly broken down, the expression fills in as an open door for her and the American to examine the young girl's pregnancy and the likelihood of having an abortion. Later on, the girl retracts from her earlier stand by stating, “They don’t really look like white elephants” (Hemingway 230). This aspect gives the reader the hint that perhaps she would want to keep her baby after all. She emphasizes further that the hills only seemed to look like white elephants at first glimpse and that they are noticeably lovely. The white elephants are an indication of symbolism, which most likely represents the baby. A white elephant is an important ownership of which its proprietor cannot dispose and whose cost, especially of upkeep, is out of extent to its value or worth. It infers that the blessing might be pointless to one individual, however precious to another. This symbolizes the infant is invaluable to her, yet her partner could think less about having a kid.

Love Essay Conclusion

Conclusion of love essay is one of the last things we should discuss with you. A conclusion is very similar to the introduction. You might be very surprised to hear this. But any good conclusion, especially an academic one, will have a paraphrased thesis statement, summary of the main points, and closing statement. All those elements help you to quickly summarize your work and leave the readers with an immense impression. 

Because introductions and conclusions are similar, we do recommend writing them on the same day. Of course, you should have an outline and main body before you start the introduction and conclusion. If we are talking about arranged marriages, in conclusion, it is better to remind people that affection, after all, is one of the purest feelings in the world. 

Example of love essay conclusion

In conclusion, the two stories depict different and some similar gender attitudes towards love and romantic relationships. Some genders are portrayed to give their all in their romantic relationships with the hope of getting fulfillment by equal measures of reciprocation. However, this is often not the case in the two societies as different characters are in the relationships for different purposes as their partners.

How to Write an Essay About Love

We have several more things to offer students when it comes to how one can write essay about the power of love. For instance, we have created a brief step-by-step guide on writing about love. Find it below!

  • Check samples of creative writing essays on love

This one is pretty self-explanatory. But don’t skip this step and check samples. It will give you a better understanding of academic style before you actually start writing. It is important!

  • Come up with a title

Your perfect subject should be narrow enough to discuss in a short article and brought enough to offer some research. So try thinking about something that inspires you personally or go through class material to find a topic. 

  • Research the topic

Research is key. You don’t want to make false claims like any good journalist or writer. So if you do research beforehand, it will make your writing sharp. Besides, you will know that you’re not lying to your audience. 

  • Outline

Many skip outlining, but it is crucial. It is one of the things that help students structure their articles and make them more believable. 

  • Write!

Sometimes we just don’t want to sit down and spend hours reading. But the hardest part here is actually making time for it and starting. Once you do it, it will get so much easier. 

  • Edit and proofread

You don’t want your perfect paper to be spoiled by inaccuracies and errors. Using editing and proofreading before you submit a paper is a must. Even we edit! 

Bonus: Use our APA title page generator if you want this page to be academically correct.

Love Essay Topics in English to Write About

You will be obsessed with these essay topics about love. Feel free to customize them to your liking. It is possible to combine them with your other ideas. Besides, some of them offer more research than others. Some are there for fun and personal use. So, choose whatever suits your situation and academic requirements. 

Love topics:

  1. What true affection feels like.
  2. How to know whether you have fallen head over hills?
  3. Best couples in classic literature.
  4. Dating now vs Jane Austin novels.
  5. It is never too late to feel affection.
  6. How do philosophers view devotion?
  7. How far is hatred from affection?
  8. Have you ever fallen for anyone?
  9. Difference between true feelings and lust.
  10. Describe your favorite Hollywood couple.

Read also:

We are sure that students can come up with more original titles and topics. Let your imagination do the work and write about real humans' emotions and feelings! It is also good to consult with teachers or professors. They might guide you in the required direction.


FAQ About True Love Essays

1. How to start an essay about love?

Essay writing on love usually starts off with a hook. This so-called hook can be a number of things. Considering this topic, you can search for interesting quotations from famous people. There are plenty of inspiring quotations you can use. You can also ask your audience rhetorical questions or offer some statistics. However, in this case, we think that a quotation from a famous person is a better option.

2. What are the best love essay titles in English?

We offer some good titles for love essays. For instance, you can use the following title: “Arranged marriages vs real relationships.” Here’s another good one: “Same sex marriage deserves equal rights.” All of them have enough space to talk about feelings while also considering the political and social sides of the issue.

3. How do you make a love essay interesting?

There are many famous essays about love. We always recommend using examples from either your personal life or from famous people. If your example is relatable, many people will actually read it and sympathize with you. Another thing that makes any article interesting is the language you use. It should be balanced between being academic and engaging.

4. What aspects to focus on in a love essay?

A simple essay about love focuses on definitions and examples. The definition will add academic sound to any article. On the other hand, examples from personal stories can be used to add more evidence. You can focus on how philosophers or writers view this feeling. You can also add your own perspective and prove it. Basically, the focus is limited by your imagination only.


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