Schizophrenia Essay in English: Writing Topics and Tips

Tasked with writing an essay on schizophrenia? Don’t know where to start from, or just struggling with a tight schedule? We’ve got your back! Several real college papers on this topic are available here as examples. Besides, some useful writing tips and step-by-step guidelines have been provided for your convenience.

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14 Sep 2023

Living with Schizophrenia: What You Need to Know

In the movie, A Beautiful Mind, Nash was schizophrenic with symptoms such as hallucinations, fear of persecution, delusions and lacking a good interpersonal relationship. In the beginning, the movie portrayed the...

Words: 842

Pages: 3

Views: 209

14 Sep 2023

Living with Schizophrenia: What You Need to Know

John Nash (Russell Crowe) is the main protagonist in the movie _A Beautiful Mind_. Nash suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, according to Dr. Rosen’s assessment. He experiences positive and negative symptoms of...

Words: 539

Pages: 2

Views: 142

14 Sep 2023

Schizophrenia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Diagnosis of Schizophrenia is subject to various kinds of bias, which are due to multicultural factors associated with patients. These cultural elements are vital because they influence psychiatrists during the...

Words: 318

Pages: 1

Views: 107

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14 Sep 2023

Schizophrenia: Causes and Treatment

Schizophrenia was initially used in 1911 by Eugen Bleuler, a Swiss psychiatrist who built on the ideas of premature dementia by Dr. Emil Kraeplin. The word schizophrenia was coined from the Greek language,...

Words: 290

Pages: 1

Views: 184

14 Sep 2023

Substance Use Disorders in Schizophrenia

Substance abuse disorders are conditions in which the use of substances of abuse such as alcohol, illicit drugs, tobacco, etc. lead to physiological, functional, or clinical impairment of a body process. The most...

Words: 675

Pages: 3

Views: 375

Inadequacies in the Treatment and Management of Schizophrenic Patients

Lehman, A. F. (1999). Quality Of Care In Mental Health: The Case Of Schizophrenia: New therapies show great promise in treating persons with schizophrenia. The challenge is to get the treatment to the patient. ...

Words: 257

Pages: 1

Views: 98

14 Sep 2023

Smoking and Schizophrenia: The Link Between Smoking and Schizophrenia

Research has established that there is a stronger relationship between schizophrenia patients and nicotine users. According to Kotov et al., (2010), in 20 states including the US, approximately 80 percent of the...

Words: 648

Pages: 1

Views: 95

Nicotine Dependence in Schizophrenia

Smoking is relatively dangerous to human beings even without any other health problems coupled to it. However, numerous studies are showing the potential for nicotine to increase the implications of schizophrenia. In...

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Views: 450

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Assessing Clients with Psychosis and Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a severe psychological disorder that impacts the ability of a person to feel, think, and behave clearly. This disease is characterized by a wide range of symptoms, such as hallucinations, bizarre...

Words: 784

Pages: 2

Views: 104

14 Sep 2023

Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder

Schizophrenia and most of the psychotic disorders form the critical structure of psychopathology, often connected with an adverse philosophical outcome on the person’s learning, professional, and social undertaking....

Words: 1781

Pages: 6

Views: 372


Assignment types
Academic level

What Is a Schizophrenia Essay

Let’s start with a proper definition of essay on schizophrenia. Such papers should focus on this mental disorder type. You may describe its basic symptoms and consequences. Tell about its history as a scientific notion. Analyze some statistical evidence of its correlation with certain genetic or environmental factors.

This subject is highly specific, so you’ll need proper sources for your paper. Some preliminary research is required. You can start by searching “what is schizophrenia in English.” After you find some research papers on similar topics, check their references and pick those sources which are relevant to your thesis.

Fascinating Schizophrenia Essay Examples

Stuck with your schizophrenia argumentative essay? Need some extra inspiration? Don’t worry, we’ve got some schizophrenic writing samples for you! All of them are totally free of charge. You can browse, search for them online, or just download them as pdf. Check all these examples for fresh ideas you could use for your writing. You can also examine their structure or writing style and re-use some of this information in your essay. Just avoid copying any piece of this content, as that would be plagiarism and might result in one’s submission being turned down.

Scroll down to access the sample. And you can also find more nursing essay examples by StudyBounty.

Schizophrenia Essay Outline

An outline for schizophrenia paper will be an excellent first step toward completing it. After completing its shortened structure, spotting grave mistakes would be much easier.

Let’s review an example of schizophrenia essay outline. Suppose you address the following general topic: ‘How perception of this disorder by society evolved during the 19th and 20th century.’ You can follow these steps for creating an outline:

  1. Brainstorm your thesis statement. If possible, write it in its full form since it’s crucial for understanding how you should build your essay’s structure. E.g., claim that early theories about this disease lacked proper understanding because many environmental factors couldn't be discovered yet.
  2. Draft an introduction. Do it without using complete sentences to make it quicker. Review and check it. Be sure that this part provides enough understanding of a problem’s context.
  3. Sketch at least 3 paragraphs. They make the main part. Perform some additional research and see if you have missed any important factors to address.
  4. Provide several phrases summarizing your story. Restating your claim briefly. However, avoid repeating any facts.

Hint: Lack of inspiration? Browse more topics of this essay type. For example, Alzheimer's disease essay or autism essays.

Schizophrenia Essay Introduction

Next step is writing an introduction to schizophrenia essay. By this time, you should’ve completed and reviewed an outline. Now follow these steps:

  1. Start with your thesis statement. Make it strong and interesting but not very long. We’ll return to this part in the next section.
  2. Provide brief explanations about this problem’s context. Use the structure you’ve created in an outline. Add more details wherever needed. However, don’t use too many quotes as they should mostly be provided in the main body part.
  3. Make it as brief as possible, ideally within 25% of your whole essay. 

If you need a sample, you can find it below. Check it, and maybe you’ll find some helpful ideas there to borrow.

Introduction of schizophrenia essay example

Schizophrenia is a common disorder of the brain, which mainly affects a person’s thinking, behavior and world perspective. Schizophrenics tend to exhibit an altered perception of reality. They often hear or see things that are non-existent, speak in confusing or strange ways, feel they are on constant monitoring and claim that others want to harm them. This makes it challenging to negotiate activities of daily life, and these people might withdraw from the rest of the world or act out of fear and confusion. While schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder, interventions are available. With medication, proper support and therapy, people with schizophrenia can function independently thus live fulfilling lives.

Schizophrenia Essay Thesis Statement

Let’s talk about preparing a solid thesis for essay about schizophrenia. This step requires some brainstorming and preliminary research about your general subject. It would be best to focus on an area you are well-versed in. On the other hand, try to pick some interesting and probably lesser-known aspects of the problem to analyze in a paper. Browse our evaluative thesis example and see how a student wrote this part of an essay.

Suppose you pick the following statement for your thesis about schizophrenia essay:

Despite being described in the 19th century, schizophrenia couldn’t be efficiently treated until the 1980s when less harmful and balanced therapy was developed.

Here you can focus on the history of treatment methods, their pros and cons. Then you can argue that older methods were inefficient and even harmful.

Schizophrenia Essay Body Paragraph

Now let’s proceed with the next step of completing a schizophrenia essay paragraph of the main body. Here is what you should put there:

  • Main details about your story, necessary explanations, or the argumentation supporting claim. It is recommended to put major arguments or parts of narration into different paragraphs to improve readability.
  • Provide evidence to support explanations or assumptions. Our examples of exemplification essays may help you write this part.
  • Ensure that your text is well structured. All paragraphs must be logically connected to each other. It is important for readers to follow a story and don’t get lost.

You can find our medicine essay sample below. Check it out and consider reusing its structure or style for your work.

Example of schizophrenia essay body paragraph

Schizophrenia is associated with a range of issues touching on cognition, emotions or behavior. Symptoms and signs tend to differ though they portray an impaired ability to function. They may involve disorganized speech and thinking. Disorganized thinking leads to disorganized speech. This impairs effective communication, and a person gives irrelevant answers to questions. Sometimes, speech entails adding meaningless words that cannot be understood. This is commonly known as word salad (Häfner, 2012).

Schizophrenia Essay Conclusion

Finally, let’s discuss how one should write a conclusion paragraph for schizophrenia essay. Here are some guidelines:

  • Make sure it corresponds to your thesis and summarizes all important details or arguments provided in a text. Keep it brief but informative.
  • Don’t repeat yourself in this part. It should only contain a brief overview of the main part.
  • Try adding some extra comments about your claim that would sound interesting to readers.
  • If you had to omit some important facts about this issue, briefly mention them here. Explain that this information is out of the scope of your research and requires additional research.

An example is available below. Feel free to borrow some ideas from it!

Example of schizophrenia essay conclusion

The future for schizophrenics looks bright. Effective interventions are available, and new ones are being invented. Many schizophrenics recover and tend to lead satisfying independent lives. Health professionals and scientists are engaged in rigorous research to help them understand the causes of the disorder and how they can predict and prevent it. Such initiatives will help experts invent better interventions to help schizophrenics realize their maximum potential. In fact, people living with schizophrenics are advised to participate in clinical research.

How to Write a Schizophrenia Essay

In addition to the above, we’ve prepared some general tips to help you write an essay on schizophrenia disorder:

  1. Choose your topic carefully. If you aren’t sure which one is easier for you, try reading more about this subject.
  2. Brainstorm and create a strong thesis. This would be the core of your paper. So, it’s worth spending some time on.
  3. Don’t skip writing an outline. Reviewing a sketch and correcting all issues will be much easier after the first quick review.
  4. Do your main research. Select proper sources. There are lots of books and articles about this disorder. So, make sure you pick only relevant ones.
  5. Write your essay. Use an outline as a frame to complete the full-text version. And don’t forget to review it again once done.

Need help with schizophrenia essay titles? You can contact us and see what our academic writers can do for you.


FAQ About Schizophrenia Essays

1. What is schizophrenia summary essay?

Essays on schizophrenia can be written to explain the disorder's basics to the audience. Such an essay should be informative and straightforward as it would typically talk to non-professionals. It may include:

  • History of this notion
  • Typical symptoms and consequences
  • Causes
  • Treatment methods, etc.
2. Are your schizophrenia essay examples free?

We provide 100% free essays on schizophrenia to our readers. You can browse them online or download them as pdf. Go ahead and borrow their structure or style. Check them for relevant ideas to reuse in your own work. However, copying them is never an option! That would be plagiarism and will result in your assignment being failed.

3. How to start a schizophrenia essay?

Depending on their general subject, essays about schizophrenia may start from:

  • Introduction to mental disorders
  • Importance of this specific disorder
  • Origins of the ‘schizophrenia’ term, etc.

Your first step should be shaping your thesis statement. Once done, it will be clear what you should write first to explain its context.

4. Can I use your schizophrenia papers?

Our papers on schizophrenia cannot be copied, even partially! Remember that it will be quite easy for your professor to detect plagiarism when checking your work.

You can use our example in the following ways:

  • As an inspiration
  • As a source of ideas for your own essay
  • As reference material, e.g., for finding relevant sources or learning more about your subject.

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