Human Trafficking Essay: A Quick Guide + Writing Tips

Are you writing an essay on human trafficking? StudyBounty is a perfect website for you! We offer you a giant library of essays about human trafficking. Just use a filter and find a paper sample suited perfectly for you. They are absolutely free of charge and available in pdf format. You can download and browse through them whenever you need. Check them out right now!

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15 Sep 2023
Criminal Justice

Drug Abuse as Part of Human Trafficking and as a psychological defense to Victims

Human trafficking as a problem Human trafficking is one of the problems that have affected many people in the world. Trafficking of human beings has become one of the challenges that many authorities around the...

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15 Sep 2023
Criminal Justice

The Human Trafficking Issue in America

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15 Sep 2023

Human Trafficking: The Hidden Crime

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15 Sep 2023

Human Trafficking in the U.S

Human Trafficking in the U.S Human trafficking refers to inhuman acts of using force or threats in recruiting, transporting, harboring or receiving human beings for exploitation. The trafficked persons are victims...

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15 Sep 2023
Criminal Justice

Human Trafficking in Eritrea and Equatorial Guinea

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15 Sep 2023
Criminal Justice

Human Trafficking Issue in America

Human trafficking is defined as using force, fraud, or coercion to exploit people into labor or sex. Victims of human trafficking are often lured of incredible opportunities in the US and end up being abused...

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Sex Trafficking and Human Rights

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Human Trafficking: The Hidden Crime

According to Article 3 of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons ,‘Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer and harbouring of persons either by use of force or...

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15 Sep 2023

Human Trafficking: The Hidden Crime

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Assignment types
Academic level

College Essays & Papers on Human Trafficking

Problem of human trafficking is a vast one and it can be difficult to write human trafficking papers. You have to be persuasive and cite recent statistics or news to support your argument. Papers on human trafficking are a challenge for many students. So, hiring a professional writer can help you overcome this hurdle. 

Before you start your paper, create a human trafficking paper outline. It will help you in your writing later on. Make sure you also take note of how different countries and states view this global issue. Many societies have specific cultural norms that affect women and children. These laws can compromise the rights of these groups. The Equality Now website states that approximately 20.9 million people are trafficked. It is a real crime in which victims are forced into labor or sexual exploitation against their will. There are several causes of this issue including drug addiction, early marriage, and international adoption. 

Get the Most Out of Human Trafficking Essay Examples

You must follow all the rules for writing a human trafficking essay informative 500 words. Create an outline before you write your main essay. You can organize the evidence and arguments in your essay by doing so. This will also save you time and help you plan your paper.

Your human trafficking persuasive essay 250 words should begin by explaining the problem. Next, present your main argument. Support it with data and evidence. Repeat this process until you have exhausted all ideas since this will make it easier for your readers to understand the content of your paper. Also, your readers will be glad to check out references and quotes that support your work.

Human Trafficking Argumentative Essay

You can write your argumentative essay for human trafficking on a variety of topics. But first, research various reasons for this issue. Basically, its main reasons involve victims having to perform work or have sex under duress. Every year, millions of people are victims of this crime. It is not discriminatory in terms of age, race, gender, or any other characteristic. It targets the most vulnerable persons, particularly those who are poor or live in unsafe situations. Such victims cannot protect themselves, and in the end, have little to no power.

When you research your human trafficking argumentative essay topics, think of explaining the issue of kidnapping. Many victims get kidnapped or drugged before being taken to another country. They often face a host of emotional and physical abuse. Those who end up as slaves may also have to be subjected to sex acts. They often are not permitted to speak out and ask for assistance.

You can check out many argumentative essay on human trafficking on our website.

What Is a Human Trafficking Essay

You may have asked the question, "What is the definition of essay on human trafficking?" Basically, this is an academic paper about the forced labor or sex that people are subject to. It can research the reasoning behind this crime – ways to stop it and explain what police forces do to stop it. Every year millions of people are vulnerable to this crime. It exploits vulnerable people, no matter their age or gender.

Victims are lured into life in forced labor or sexual exploitation, using their vulnerable environments. Many victims are abused and beaten or forced to live a miserable life. Many victims are unable to escape because police and law enforcement frequently cooperate with traffickers. A victim's vulnerability to abuse is increased by the absence of community ties or language barriers.

An essay on this topic may take a lot of research and hard work. It must be clear and concise about the issue as well as provide possible solutions. Any exploratory essay example at StudyBounty will come in handy. You will see how to find out a problem and ways of its solution. Your professor may be able to give you advice or help with research. Start by researching the topic. Do your research on the subject by looking at reputable websites and not Wikipedia. If you need a boost of inspiration, check out our samples at StudyBounty.

Human Trafficking Essay Outline

A good human trafficking argumentative essay outline can help you create a structured piece about this topic. First, identify the problems. Then, outline what you can do about them. You will need to formulate a thesis statement. After you have made your thesis statement you are ready to move on to the next part of your essay. Use a list of statistics and research sources to start the essay. Write your paper’s main body once all of your research has been completed.

And if you need a visual example, we’ve got you covered. Check a synthesis essay outline or one below.

Sample of human trafficking essay outline


  • Hook: Here you should catch your audience’s attention. Use a quote or a small topical story.
  • Thesis statement: Sex trafficking is the most lucrative source of funds for US criminal organizations, and although it is difficult to end it, we can take many preventative steps.

Body Paragraph #1

  • What is human trafficking?
  • Provide a brief historical overview of this issue.

Body Paragraph #2

  • What is this issue like today?
  • What countries are most subjected to it?
  • What is for people to get trafficked?

Body Paragraph #3

  • How do the police and law enforcement agencies act to stop it?
  • What are your ideas on stopping it?


  • Rephrase your thesis statement.
  • Summarising sentence.

Human Trafficking Essay Introduction

In your introduction paragraph essay for human trafficking, begin with an interesting hook. This is the opening sentence of your paper. It should catch readers' attention and help them focus on your central point. Here, you can include a fascinating fact or ask a question. Don't make it too funny since the topic you’re writing about is far from being humorous. Use solid facts as well as evidence. Finish this part by creating a thesis statement. This will tie everything together and demonstrate your knowledge of this topic.

In the introduction, you might include statistics and history about the topic to draw readers. You can start your paper by identifying the victims. Some victims of this crime are homeless and runaway teens. Many others may have been forced by their parents to start modeling companies. Increasingly sophisticated social media, like Twitter, have also helped in combating human trafficking. Many of these organizations have been successful in their efforts to prevent it.

Introduction of human trafficking essay

Human trafficking is a practice that regales of being termed as a legal issue, geopolitical issue or sometimes a social issue, to a greater extent it is a public health issue. Subsequently, human trafficking according to the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons is the illegal process of recruiting, harboring, transporting as well as providing or acquiring individuals for the purpose of sexually exploiting them or obtaining labor services from them. Consequently, this is attained by the use of force or coercion to make them undertake involuntary tasks or become slaves. Human trafficking has affected the public health on local, national as well as global levels. Thus this paper seeks to exploit strengths, weaknesses, opportunities as well as threats which human trafficking has in respect to public health, locally, nationally and globally.

Human Trafficking Essay Thesis Statement

Your human trafficking thesis statement must be focused on the causes and effects of this crime. For example – how this problem has affected the lives of so many people. Victims of this crime can be subject to emotional and physical trauma, financial deprivation, violations of dignity, and economic loss.

Your thesis statement must appear in the introduction section. Your introduction should be a hook for the reader leading them to your thesis statement. Support or challenge this thesis in your main body paragraph. You can start your thesis statement by considering the implications of this problem. To transport victims across borders, traffickers resort to force and deceit. 

Take a look at this sample thesis on human trafficking

Sex trafficking is the most lucrative source of funds for US criminal organizations, and although it is difficult to end it, we can take many preventative steps.

Human Trafficking Essay Body Paragraph

Use 3 paragraphs of your 5 paragraph essay on human trafficking to support or argue against your thesis statement. Make sure you define and explain this issue thoroughly. Include some quotes or references as well. Finally, don't forget to discuss its ethical and legal implications.

At the beginning of your main’s body, create a topical sentence in every paragraph. It should then be followed by supporting evidence from other research and statistics. You might have to go back and forth until you exhaust all your ideas. This structure allows readers to easily follow your ideas. 

Discussing current world problems is crucial when you are dealing with a complicated topic like this one. An essay on this topic is a challenging assignment. So, dedicate some time and effort to completing it properly. For advice and guidance, consult your professor or read our paper samples. Research is important before you start writing an essay. If possible, avoid Wikipedia in favor of reliable sources.

Check out this example we prepared for our users.

Body paragraph for a human trafficking essay

To begin with, public health caregivers are assigned the role of attending to the victims to stabilize their situation and ensure their overall well-being as dictated in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (CDC, 2016).  Consequently, human trafficking is associated with the brutal treatment of the victims which can affect them negatively. Public health caregivers, who attend to victims and survivors of human trafficking, help to give a blueprint for the local government in relations to the policies and programs which they put in place. As such they act as the voice which serves to inform any community-based programs on how to reduce human trafficking locally.

Human Trafficking Essay Conclusion

For a conclusion for human trafficking essay, it is important to summarize your arguments and reiterate your thesis statement. We strongly advise you not to add any new information or arguments to your ending paragraph. This is why you’ve written your main body part. An ending must be, as stated in its name, the end that concludes your paper. Make it a memorable one. So, your audience would be compelled to research your topic further. You can always end it with a question. Leave an ending ambiguous to make that “further researching” part for your audience even more interesting.

Conclusion of human trafficking essay example

Public health practices such as offering services to victims, conducting research in the fields have acted as major boosters to controlling the level of human trafficking. Nonetheless, there are other issues such as lack of resources that affect the public health sectors in their endeavor. Thus strategic plans such be employed to combat this threats and weakness that affect effort of ceasing human trafficking which then affects the public health sector

Hint: Still need some inspiration? Browse such articles as slave essays or immigration essay at StudyBounty.

Human Trafficking Essay Writing Topics and Ideas

There are many essay topics on human trafficking you can write about. Once you’ve chosen a topic, think about actually writing your paper. For example, you can:

  • Stay away from sensationalism and stick to facts. It is possible to get help from a professional writer. They will complete a paper on the topic if your time is limited.
  • Use different perspectives. Everyone feels differently. While many may view the situation as immoral or wrong, there isn't one ethical standard for this problem. 
  • Consider the ways you could use victims' viewpoints to share their stories. Some victims don't want to tell the truth because of the stigma attached to their situations.
  • Be sure to include as much detail as you can about your sources and how to use them to create an interesting and enlightening essay.

And be sure to check out these human trafficking essay titles we’ve picked for you:

  1. Ghana: A major player in human trafficking and modern slavery.
  2. True Story of Srey Pova's days as a human trafficking victim.
  3. An issue of human trafficking in Thailand and South Africa.
  4. Differences and similarities between human trafficking and slavery.
  5. Major problems, causes, and consequences of this issue in Nepal.
  6. A description of human dignity as the idea that a human is worth something.
  7. Trans-Atlantic slave trade vs human trafficking.
  8. Child trafficking and sexual exploitation.
  9. Establishing special courts catering to human trafficking cases.
  10. An analysis of attempts to deal with the problem of human smuggling.

FAQ About Human Trafficking Essays

1. Do you provide free human trafficking essays?

Yes, we provide free essay on human trafficking! You don’t have to pay anything when you browse through them. Moreover, you can download them whenever you need. They are in pdf format, which makes it easier to check them out both online and offline.

2. Do you have “How to Prevent Human Trafficking” essay?

Yes, we have a How to stop human trafficking essay! We have lots of different essays about this issue. You can use our filter and find any topic you need. We have many types of academic papers on human smuggling, choose whatever you like.

3. Why is a human trafficking essay so important?

When you write an essay on human trafficking as a serious problem, you raise public awareness and mobilize popular concern about the risk of falling prey to traffickers. You can explain the social and human costs of trafficking in persons and educate your audience about the true nature of this crime and its consequences.

4. What is the main idea of human trafficking essay?

The main idea of your essays on human trafficking is your thesis statement. This is the backbone of your entire paper. You can create a strong thesis statement by thoroughly researching your topic and carefully composing your main arguments into one sentence.


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